Wednesday, 26 October 2011

what i learned by Grayson

I learned about some of the first teachers in this valley. And some of the school and brent kennedy and how it changed.  

what i learned by matthew

i learned about some of the first teachers at the schools in the vally. also how much it has changed over the past years.

Emily's first blog!

     How old is Bonnington and why was Bonnington named Bonnington? We are doing a digital story telling project! 

Logan's second post

I learned that Mr.orangre was a teacher before he was a princeple.  Brent Kennedy had an exchange with Toronto!! there was only one new computer andthe teachers didn't know what game!

Bye Lognan Rexinto do with it besides play the one and only game.

BK blog number 2

On the 24 Oct I learnt that there was not a nice desk in the library . By Lilli

Liz's first blog

  When did crescent valley school close,and why did cresent valley school close?

old times Ryland Cole Negreiff

Was Brent Kennedy always blue and white? And how much did BK change?????????
I learned that It was wayyyyyyy more strict back then.

katie l's 1 blog

I want to find out  when  bonninton was built ?

who built bonninton ?


        Two days ago we went on a field trip to slocan park school and
got to see the old school bus driver named ray Kosiansic he gave us a lot of information about when he drove the bus.We went back to school and got to see the secretary and the old princables their was mr.oranger,mr.Pereversoff.After we got to selebrate with cake and juice.

Project Old School Entry#2

Two days ago we went on a field trip to Cresent Valley Hall and Slocan Park Hall and they both used to be schools. We got to meet two old principals and three old teachers. We also got to meet a old bus driver and an old secretary. I found out alot about the beginning of Brent Kennedy Elementary School and that was really good for my project.I learned that the office used to be in the office. I also learned that the school used to be half the size of the way the school is now. Even though Most of it wasnt about Brent Kennedy Elementary Scool it was still very interesting to listen to all the storys that all the old principals and teachers and bus drivers and secretarys had to say. So to shorten this up, I had a good time on this field trip.

Project Old School #2

Two days ago we went on a field trip to Slocan Park Hall what was once  known as Slocan Park School.
I learned very much about Slocan Park School then I used to know and I saw some teachers that used to be teachers at Slocan Park School and one was named Mrs.Podivilnikoff and Mr.Wack.

We also went to Cresent Valley Hall and saw Ray Kosiansic.

Brent Kennedy used to be alot more stict back then

By: Leanne :-) :) <3

bk a history

I am wondering exactly what the library looked like back then?      BY LILLI


I now know a little bit of Slocan Park school and I now know some teachers like Mr. Wack and Mrs Podevelnikoff and there were no bathrooms inside there were out houses.

shawn's blog

when we went on the field trip i found out a good amount of info that will realy help me on my project
i am doing the intro so i have alot of stuf to do.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Jared's blog

Hi my name is Jared in Brent Kennedy the grade 5/6 are doing a digital story  telling project. I know in Krestova there's a dirt pit that is good for dirt bikes and in the winter its good for sledding. I would like to find out when Krestova was built and why. I will take pictures of Krestova interview some people. I think using ipads,ipods,cameras and video is neat and great. I'm exited for the story telling project I going to like it.


by: jonathan

My project is about passmore.passmore is at least 90 to 91 years old.
I know that passmore had some schools that fed brentkennedy
school.passmore had 2 schools:they had a whole school and a elementery school.My gramma went to the elementery school

maddy's blog green and greener

I don't know a lot of stuff about this but I know a few thing's about my dad
he went to the to the old school by the coap and my dad was a teacher a long long time ago
but  he works at the dam going to caslgar ya

Alyssa's blog

I don't know much about BK but I know that my brother went to this school for 4 years and now he is in grade six. I have bin here for 3 years and i really like this school and my favorite teacher is MRS.HENDRY
I am very excited for more blogging and this project it will be my first digital story telling project ever!!!
By: Alyssa

Logan Miller's first blog

I wonder what Krestova looked like when Brent Kennedy was built?
by Logan Miller

Monday, 17 October 2011


I don't know anything about my area that I am doing because I just moved into my house. I am really exited about the project because you get to learn about all the different schools before BK was built! The project is going to be really fun because you get to interview people and take pictures.

Avery.c's first blog

This project is going to be awsome becausewe get to bring our ipod's,camerasand other stuff to school . I bet ever one will have fun becausewe get to use cumputers and other stuff .When the class pot them to gether it will look AWSOME....

Sabina bk first blog

I am very exited to study about bk unique features with Paige and Alyssa. We get to us awesome equipment like ipad,video cameras and ipod. I get to take pictures of bk.

by Sabina 

Nananananan batman

Hi im Reid I need imformation on south slocan.I dont know much about South Slocan so I need some help. I cant wait to use the ipad 2. Im not  very excited about this progect .

Katie.b's striped blog

I think that this will be really cool because we have to go in our area and find photographs and interview our ancestors and friends that lived in the area. Also my group members are very helpful and I think it will be great. I wonder what the ipad's will be like? My grandma and grandpa have been here for 20 years and my parents and I have been here for 3 years. Also I think my family can help me a lot because we lived here so long. BKatie.b

Paige's first Blog

Right now I don't know much about where I live, but my friend Jessa went to B.K. when she was a kid now she is an adult. I am going to ask her on Thursday this week. I want to know where the French room and Russian room were before.
By: Paige

Alicia's first blog

 I don't know anything about Passmore.

avery.k's magical pink pony blog

I think that this project will be very awesome because I  like to do progects like that that where you have to take pictures and make little video's .Cresent Valley has lots of awesome places and things.Im not very sure what kind a stuff Cresent Valley had before I was born .But my grandparents have lived here for over 30 years also my dad had lived here for along time. I have always wonderd if there was more horses back then a couple years ago then people have now.I would like to find out what kind of stores they had along time ago when I was not even born.I think in will use my i-pod touch to take pictures and make little video's                        By:Avery.K

joshs blog

I think this project is going to be fun because you get to take pictures and explore stuff and go on adventures.Right know I don't know anything about South Slocan.                        

by Josh

My first blog

I don't really know what the blog is for but I like the idea and I would like to learn more about it .
I hope that this project is fun and turns out how its sapposed to!!! I am really excited for this project it will
be my first digital story telling project ever,it will also be so so fun because I will be able to be with my
friends the whole time. I'm really excited to use the computers and ipads for the project!!!!!!!!!!!!I hope that we do way more blogging this is so fun,I LOVE BLOGGING! I hope to learn way more about this<3

This Blog is by Jillian Klatte:) :) :) :) :)

Jasmyne's first blog

I'am working on crescent valley with Avery.K and Kira.

Kira's Blog

Hello people...

        I am working on Crescent Valley with Avery, Jasmine and I. I don't know too too much about Crecsent Valley other then Esso and Evergreen are part of it and that our school is in it. I want to find out how far Crecsent alley goes on and when it stops...  I also would like to find out a little bit about the school even though I am doing the community. How or why did it turn into a hall???

        I am sort of excited  for the project even though I don 't know much about it. I'm excited to start on it and to look at the finished project. I have a few ideas for the people I want to interview and the pictures I want to take.  

       I don't know much about what we are doing about equiptment. I mean we didn't really discussed it that much and even though we don't have that many ideas it's going to be a fun  project.


mikes first blog

What I think about using the ipod ipad camras is really cool. I have lived in Krestova my whole life.So I know some of the history.What I want to learn is a little bit more of the history.

Cayden's First Blog :D

I want to know how many kids came to Brent Kennedy after it was built. I think that using an ipad is really cool. I wonder who the first principal of Brent Kennedy was. I wonder how the running trail and all the land Brent Kennedy is on was flattend. I want to know what year it was when Brent Kennedy was built.I want to know where kids who lived around here went to school before Brent Kennedy was built I want to know if where Brent Kennedy was built was a forest or just a field. I wonder how many days it was until Brent Kennedy was completly built.

by Cayden

my blog

Vallican is in a forest and has lot's of deer I would like to know about it's history.
from Jasper

Yo Foo~Chillies

Brent Kennedy used to only be a building on a pile of dirt!..
I wonder when the first addition to Brent Kennedy Elementry was added on?..
And how many teachers or prinipals have come and gone over the last 20 years?..
I feel anxious & excited about this subject!..
By, Cassidy  <3..

The Orange Banana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know nothing of south slocan and i dont know anything so ya ummmm... im really excited but i dont know much about my location im working with josh and reid...i need info about south slocan!


Vallican has lots of forests and trees. I want to find out about what there school was like and who was their first princiaple was?. I would also like to learn about the history in Vallican.

By: Jenna Bieber


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

jacobs bkschool history:first blog

I want to learn about the history of bk elementry like when the school was made and who was the founder of this awsome school. I would also like to learn about how the school expanded so much! I would also want to learn about the diffrent rooms. I hope you get this blog.

By: Jacob

What did my dad do at BK school

Blair does not know nothing about Brent Kennedy's history. I will learn about a lot of thing's in this project. I really want to know what my dad did at BrentKennedy school.

mickeymouse old school blogger

Has a friend that went to this school and his name is bret
bret was in mr.chernoffs class he was in this class about 19 years ago.
I would like to find about how many people in my family went to this

Crazy blog

I dont know a single bit of info.
I would like to find out why they put the kindergartins in Mount Sentinal and not the grade six's instead of the "k's".  And what games did they play?
by Logan

brent kennedy school a history

I wonder if they had to eat lunch at home or at school

schoo's by matthew

HI my name is Matthew this is my blog.

I have no clue what this valley was like because we didn't grow up here. I would like to learn the what the school's were like back then. And what the activities they did and learned.

bk blog #1

I don't know a thing about Brent Kennedy's history. I will learn about it alot throughout this project. I like that we get to use technology. It is faster and funner for kids.
I think that ipads are cool.
By Bensen


Hi my name is Grayson and this is my blog.

I don't know anything about the history or what was going on back then. I hope I find out what this school was like back thenand what kind of games that they do.

Project Old Scool Slocan Park

Hi My name is LeAnnE
My Mom went to Slocan Park School before going to Brent Kennedy.
My Mom was one of the the first Brent Kennedy Grade 6's at BK School.
I would like to learn more about my Mom's background.

Who was your teacher in Slocan Park School?
What year did you start going to Slocan Park school?

Project Old School First Entry

Today I saw my mom in the first brent kennedy school picture and she was in grade two. I found it very cool. I also found out that my mom's second grade teacher died. I would love to learn more about what it was like before brent kennedy was built and how it was like when it was built. When I go home today I am going to ask my mom about what it was like when she was in school and how it was like in the Cresent Valley school when she still went there in grade one.

By Meghan :-)

I don't know a thing

well i know nothing about the history or any stuff about the valley schools or BK. I would like to know about the South Slocan school because i live near it . I think computers and stuff are handy dandy just like duct tape. I think they will be very helpful ( the computer not the duct tape). I also think the i pads are cool. I want to learn about the hisory of the valley and did they have gym class. by Tyler

Friday, 7 October 2011

Welcome to Our Digital Storytelling Project!

Brent Kennedy Elementary School students will be using this blog to document their progress and learning for our digital storytelling project about our school history.